Aims to deliver more precise and effective brachytherapy for the treatment of prostate and gynaecological cancer. ORIGIN addresses the urgent clinical need to provide real-time in vivo radiation dose imaging and source localisation through the development of a new optical fibre based system to deliver enhanced adaptive brachytherapy.

The Challenge
Develop methods that provide the clinicians with photonics enabled tools to improve or to assess the successes of therapies; and transform low TRL technologies into robust medical devices answering to clinician needs.
The problem
ORIGIN addresses the challenges of delivering effective and optimal brachytherapy for prostate and gynaecological oncology, through the introduction of novel optical fibre technology.
The project expands on the successful development of two innovative single point optical fibre dosimeters based on radio-luminescence using inorganic scintillating materials for HDR- and LDR- BT. Integrating an array of such sensors with a common acquisition system will provide real-time patient dose imaging of the target area and nearby organs at risk. The high temporal resolution of the sensor system (0.1 sec) provides the ability to further monitor the location of the radiation sources during treatment with 0.5mm spatial resolution for HDR-BT and 3mm for LDR-BT. The principles underpinning the individual components of the technology are established and this project will integrate the partners’ technologies to create a medical device that will be an exciting and valuable new tool for oncologists. Initial feedback on the concept from both end-user oncologists and the medical manufacturing industry is overwhelmingly positive as they recognise the benefits, endorse the innovation and acknowledge the commercial opportunities.


Project Impact
With improved patient outcomes, reduced treatment risks, reduced hospital stays and thereby increasing patient treatment numbers
Establishing Europe at the fore of brachytherapy system development and photonics manufacturing
European Economy
Reducing the economic burden of cancer and costs associated with treatment errors and increasing employment owing to photonics-enabled products.
Latest News
ORIGIN coordinator receives Outstanding Service Award
ORIGIN coordinator Dr Sinéad O'Keeffe has been given the inaugural Outstand ...
ORIGIN at IEEE Sensors 2023
The IEEE Sensors conference provides a forum for research scientists, engineers ...